High quality raw materials
In order to provide you with truly reliable connection materials, only high-quality raw materials are used for the production of the fasteners. For example, plastic is a popular material in the field of electrical installations, as it is resistant to electronic charge and due to the special hardness are resistant to mechanical stress. The cable lugs and crimp connectors are made of copper or brass, respectively, to ensure electrical conductivity. The insulations are preferably made of rubber to provide the best possible protection for the metal cable carriers. Accidents with electricity can only be avoided if you use high-quality materials and always pay attention to proper handling.
What do I need fastening materials for?
In order to always be properly equipped as a good craftsman in the household, you need high-quality fastening materials. With fastening materials, you can quickly repair things or keep them in a certain place. This includes screws and nuts as well as cable ties and junction boxes. In our online store, we offer you a wide selection of high-quality fastening materials to create order and be able to complete projects.
What is connecting material?
Wherever you find electrical cables, you are very likely to find connecting materials. To ensure safe transmission of power, it is especially important to use high-quality materials here. For this reason, mainly copper and brass, but also aluminum are used for the connecting materials. These connecting materials are screwed, welded or crimped to the cables and conductors. By using high-quality connection materials, you increase safety and avoid fatal electrical accidents.