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Buy paper bags at low prices!

If you are looking for high-quality paper bags, you should definitely take a look at our assortment. We offer you in this context a very large and versatile assortment. Take your time to look in our online shop to find a paper bag to your liking.

Our online shop is manageable and kept clear!

As a newbie, you should be able to find your way around our online shop, because it is very clear and manageable. All buttons and menus are presented in a simple way, so you should not experience any problems or ambiguities in this context. If you have found a suitable paper bag in our assortment, you can have it delivered directly to your home with just a few clicks. Simply transport your desired item into the virtual shopping cart and choose between the many different payment methods that we offer you here.

Qualitative paper bags are bought from us!

Paper bags must of course also consist of a high quality. A certain load should be easily transported by means of such a bag. That's why we work exclusively with selected suppliers, so you do not have to worry about it. Convince yourself of this fact yourself by placing a first order of paper bags in our shop.

If you have questions about our paper bags, we are at your disposal!

If you have any questions about our paper bags, we are at your disposal. We will answer any questions you may have on this topic. Be it your order or a selected product - our professional and friendly staff will answer any question you have on your mind quickly and swiftly.

If you are looking for high-quality paper bags, you should definitely take a look at our assortment. We offer you in this context a very large and versatile assortment. Take your time to look in... read more »
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Buy paper bags at low prices!

If you are looking for high-quality paper bags, you should definitely take a look at our assortment. We offer you in this context a very large and versatile assortment. Take your time to look in our online shop to find a paper bag to your liking.

Our online shop is manageable and kept clear!

As a newbie, you should be able to find your way around our online shop, because it is very clear and manageable. All buttons and menus are presented in a simple way, so you should not experience any problems or ambiguities in this context. If you have found a suitable paper bag in our assortment, you can have it delivered directly to your home with just a few clicks. Simply transport your desired item into the virtual shopping cart and choose between the many different payment methods that we offer you here.

Qualitative paper bags are bought from us!

Paper bags must of course also consist of a high quality. A certain load should be easily transported by means of such a bag. That's why we work exclusively with selected suppliers, so you do not have to worry about it. Convince yourself of this fact yourself by placing a first order of paper bags in our shop.

If you have questions about our paper bags, we are at your disposal!

If you have any questions about our paper bags, we are at your disposal. We will answer any questions you may have on this topic. Be it your order or a selected product - our professional and friendly staff will answer any question you have on your mind quickly and swiftly.

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Papiertragetaschen 18 + 08 x 22 Braun
Paper carrier bags 18 + 08 x 22 brown
by KK Verpackungen
From €26.64 * €53.64 *
Papiertragetaschen 32 + 12 x 40 Braun
Paper carrier bags 32 + 12 x 40 brown
by KK Verpackungen
From €39.30 * €80.24 *
Papiertragetaschen 22 + 10 x 28 Braun
Paper carrier bags 22 + 10 x 28 brown
by KK Verpackungen
From €18.03 * €58.37 *
Papierklebeband 3-fach fadenverstärkt 50mm x 50m 135my Braun
Reinforced paper tape 50mm x 50m 135my Brown
by KK Verpackungen
From €3.52 * €4.49 *
Content 50 meter (€0.07 * / 1 meter)
Nassklebeband Papierklebeband 60mm x 200m 60 g/m² Braun
Wet paper tape 60mm x 200m 60 g/m² Brown
by KK Verpackungen
From €3.65 * €5.66 *
Content 200 meter (€0.02 * / 1 meter)
Papierklebeband 50mm x 50m 130my Braun
Paper tape 50mm x 50m 130my Brown
by KK Verpackungen
From €2.19 * €3.01 *
Content 50 meter (€0.04 * / 1 meter)
Papierklebeband "Vorsicht Glas" 50mm x 50m 135my Braun / Rot
Paper tape "Caution glass" 50mm x 50m 135my Brown / Red
by KK Verpackungen
From €3.62 * €4.99 *
Content 50 meter (€0.07 * / 1 meter)
Nassklebeband Papierklebeband 70mm x 200m 75 g/m² Braun
Wet paper tape 70mm x 200m 75 g/m² Brown
by KK Verpackungen
From €4.80 * €7.32 *
Content 200 meter (€0.02 * / 1 meter)
250 Papiertragetasche Kordelgriff 220x100x310 mm 90 g/m² Natur
250 paper carrier bag cord handle 220x100x310 mm 90 g/m², nature
by KK Verpackungen
€94.89 * €144.23 *
300 Papiertragetasche Kordelgriff für 1 Flasche 140x80x390 mm 110 g/m² Natur
300 paper carrier bag cord handle for 1 bottle 140x80x390 mm 110 g/m², nature
by KK Verpackungen
€121.49 * €181.66 *
200 Papiertragetasche Kordelgriff 320x120x410 mm 100 g/m² Natur
200 paper carrier bag cord handle 320x120x410 mm 100 g/m², nature
by KK Verpackungen
€102.69 * €155.24 *
300 Papiertragetasche Kordelgriff 180x80x220 mm 90 g/m² Natur
300 paper carrier bag cord handle 180x80x220 mm 90 g/m², nature
by KK Verpackungen
€93.49 * €142.03 *
Papiertragetasche für 1 Flasche 100x85x360 mm Streifenstruktur Rot Bordeaux
Paper carrier bag for 1 bottle 100x85x360 mm striped structure red bordeaux
by KK Verpackungen
From €1.58 * €2.72 *
Papiertragetasche für 1 Flasche 100x85x360 mm Streifenstruktur Blau
Paper carrier bag for 1 bottle 100x85x360 mm striped structure blue
by KK Verpackungen
From €1.58 * €2.72 *
Papiertragetasche für 1 Flasche 100x85x360 mm Streifenstruktur Schwarz
Paper carrier bag for 1 bottle 100x85x360 mm striped structure black
by KK Verpackungen
From €1.58 * €2.72 *
Papiertragetasche für 1 Flasche 100x85x360 mm Holzoptik Fenster Braun
Paper carrier bag for 1 bottle 100x85x360 mm wooden look window brown
by KK Verpackungen
From €1.20 * €1.52 *
Papiertragetasche für 1 Flasche 100x85x360 mm strukturgeprägt Fenster Schwarz
Paper carrier bag for 1 bottle 100x85x360 mm textured embossed window black
by KK Verpackungen
From €1.20 * €1.52 *