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Bags and tote bags can be found here!

If you are looking for high-quality tote bags, then you are guaranteed to find something in our assortment. Here you will find a very large and varied assortment, from which you can choose. Just take a few minutes and browse through our wide selection of bags and other tote bags. The prices we offer you in this regard are kept small and attractive. Thus, you could even save us one or the other Euro, if you decide for our bags and tote bags.

Save money and buy from us!

If you want to save money, then you should absolutely look in our online shop. We offer small prices, so you can save one or the other Euro with us. With us you should find in no time, because we carry bags and carrier bags in many different model designs. Thus, even a very unusual taste should come fully at its expense. In addition, placing a first order is very simple and straightforward, as this entire process is kept very lean.

We will help you with any matter!

Of course, if you have a specific question about our products, we are happy to help. Our competent and professional support is at your disposal. This support can be reached by email or by phone. The local staff will take care of your request immediately, so you do not have to worry about it. We will help you in every way, no matter what you have on your mind. Order our bags and tote bags directly to your home and convince yourself of this high quality!

If you are looking for high-quality tote bags, then you are guaranteed to find something in our assortment. Here you will find a very large and varied assortment, from which you can choose. Just... read more »
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Bags and tote bags can be found here!

If you are looking for high-quality tote bags, then you are guaranteed to find something in our assortment. Here you will find a very large and varied assortment, from which you can choose. Just take a few minutes and browse through our wide selection of bags and other tote bags. The prices we offer you in this regard are kept small and attractive. Thus, you could even save us one or the other Euro, if you decide for our bags and tote bags.

Save money and buy from us!

If you want to save money, then you should absolutely look in our online shop. We offer small prices, so you can save one or the other Euro with us. With us you should find in no time, because we carry bags and carrier bags in many different model designs. Thus, even a very unusual taste should come fully at its expense. In addition, placing a first order is very simple and straightforward, as this entire process is kept very lean.

We will help you with any matter!

Of course, if you have a specific question about our products, we are happy to help. Our competent and professional support is at your disposal. This support can be reached by email or by phone. The local staff will take care of your request immediately, so you do not have to worry about it. We will help you in every way, no matter what you have on your mind. Order our bags and tote bags directly to your home and convince yourself of this high quality!

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Druckverschlussbeutel 150 x 220 mm
Grip seal bags 150 mm x 220 mm
by KK Verpackungen
From €2.37 * €4.58 *
Druckverschlussbeutel 120 x 170 mm
Grip seal bags 120 mm x 170 mm
by KK Verpackungen
From €1.36 * €2.93 *
Druckverschlussbeutel 180 x 250 mm
Grip seal bags 180 mm x 250 mm
by KK Verpackungen
From €2.69 * €6.89 *
Druckverschlussbeutel 160 x 220 mm
Grip seal bags 160 mm x 220 mm
by KK Verpackungen
From €2.12 * €5.01 *
Druckverschlussbeutel 220 x 310 mm
Grip seal bags 220 mm x 310 mm
by KK Verpackungen
From €4.13 * €9.33 *
Druckverschlussbeutel 200 x 300 mm
Grip seal bags 200 mm x 300 mm
by KK Verpackungen
From €3.42 * €8.82 *
Druckverschlussbeutel 300 x 400 mm
Grip seal bags 300 mm x 400 mm
by KK Verpackungen
From €6.38 * €15.22 *
Druckverschlussbeutel 250 x 350 mm
Grip seal bags 250 mm x 350 mm
by KK Verpackungen
From €5.07 * €13.43 *
240 L Müllbeutel (schwarz)
240 L Garbage bags (black)
by KK Verpackungen
From €2.76 * €13.02 *
240 L Müllbeutel (blau)
240 L Garbage bags (blue)
by KK Verpackungen
From €2.75 * €11.95 *
120 L Müllbeutel (schwarz)
120 L Garbage bags (black)
by KK Verpackungen
From €2.88 * €5.82 *
120 L Müllbeutel (blau)
120 L Garbage bags (blue)
by KK Verpackungen
From €2.88 * €4.90 *
Druckverschlussbeutel 80 x 120 mm
Grip seal bags 80 mm x 120 mm
by KK Verpackungen
From €0.71 * €1.88 *
Druckverschlussbeutel 70 x 100 mm
Grip seal bags 70 mm x 100 mm
by KK Verpackungen
From €0.59 * €1.30 *
Druckverschlussbeutel 100 x 150 mm
Grip seal bags 100 mm x 150 mm
by KK Verpackungen
From €1.00 * €2.34 *
Papiertragetaschen 18 + 08 x 22 Braun
Paper carrier bags 18 + 08 x 22 brown
by KK Verpackungen
From €22.51 * €53.64 *
Papiertragetaschen 32 + 12 x 40 Braun
Paper carrier bags 32 + 12 x 40 brown
by KK Verpackungen
From €40.37 * €80.24 *
Papiertragetaschen 22 + 10 x 28 Braun
Paper carrier bags 22 + 10 x 28 brown
by KK Verpackungen
From €18.57 * €58.37 *
Druckverschlussbeutel 60 x 80 mm
Grip seal bags 60 mm x 80 mm
by KK Verpackungen
From €0.58 * €1.18 *
Druckverschlussbeutel 40 x 60 mm
Grip seal bags 40 mm x 60 mm
by KK Verpackungen
From €0.31 * €0.68 *
Gelber Sack 90 Liter aus HDPE mit Zugband
Yellow bag 90 liters made of HDPE with drawstring
by KK Verpackungen
From €1.35 * €2.30 *
Papierklebeband 3-fach fadenverstärkt 50mm x 50m 135my Braun
Reinforced paper tape 50mm x 50m 135my Brown
by KK Verpackungen
From €3.26 * €4.49 *
Content 50 meter (€0.07 * / 1 meter)
Nassklebeband Papierklebeband 60mm x 200m 60 g/m² Braun
Wet paper tape 60mm x 200m 60 g/m² Brown
by KK Verpackungen
From €3.53 * €5.66 *
Content 200 meter (€0.02 * / 1 meter)
Papierklebeband 50mm x 50m 130my Braun
Paper tape 50mm x 50m 130my Brown
by KK Verpackungen
From €1.85 * €3.01 *
Content 50 meter (€0.04 * / 1 meter)
Papierklebeband "Vorsicht Glas" 50mm x 50m 135my Braun / Rot
Paper tape "Caution glass" 50mm x 50m 135my Brown / Red
by KK Verpackungen
From €3.62 * €4.99 *
Content 50 meter (€0.07 * / 1 meter)
Nassklebeband Papierklebeband 70mm x 200m 75 g/m² Braun
Wet paper tape 70mm x 200m 75 g/m² Brown
by KK Verpackungen
From €5.54 * €7.32 *
Content 200 meter (€0.03 * / 1 meter)
Müllbeutel 120 L mit Zugband Müllsack 700 x 1000 + 50 mm schwarz
Garbage bag 120 L with drawstring edge bag 700 x 1000 + 50 mm black
by KK Verpackungen
From €4.16 * €5.28 *
Müllbeutel extra stark 240 L Müllsack 1000 x 1250 mm schwarz
Garbage bag extra strong 240 L edge bag 1000 x 1250 mm black
by KK Verpackungen
From €4.38 * €5.76 *
Müllbeutel extra stark 120 L Müllsack 700 x 1100 mm schwarz
Garbage bag extra strong 120 L edge bag 700 x 1100 mm black
by KK Verpackungen
From €5.78 * €7.28 *
Müllbeutel 60 L mit Zugband Müllsack 680 x 730 + 50 mm schwarz
Garbage bags 60 L with drawstring bin liner 680 x 730 + 50 mm black
by KK Verpackungen
From €3.17 * €4.00 *
Müllbeutel 35 L Müllsack 550 x 620 mm schwarz
Garbage bags 35 L bin liner 550 x 620 mm black
by KK Verpackungen
From €3.31 * €4.15 *
250 Papiertragetasche Kordelgriff 220x100x310 mm 90 g/m² Natur
250 paper carrier bag cord handle 220x100x310 mm 90 g/m², nature
by KK Verpackungen
€94.89 * €144.23 *
300 Papiertragetasche Kordelgriff für 1 Flasche 140x80x390 mm 110 g/m² Natur
300 paper carrier bag cord handle for 1 bottle 140x80x390 mm 110 g/m², nature
by KK Verpackungen
€121.49 * €181.66 *
200 Papiertragetasche Kordelgriff 320x120x410 mm 100 g/m² Natur
200 paper carrier bag cord handle 320x120x410 mm 100 g/m², nature
by KK Verpackungen
€102.69 * €155.24 *
300 Papiertragetasche Kordelgriff 180x80x220 mm 90 g/m² Natur
300 paper carrier bag cord handle 180x80x220 mm 90 g/m², nature
by KK Verpackungen
€93.49 * €142.03 *
Papiertragetasche für 1 Flasche 100x85x360 mm Streifenstruktur Rot Bordeaux
Paper carrier bag for 1 bottle 100x85x360 mm striped structure red bordeaux
by KK Verpackungen
From €1.58 * €2.72 *
Papiertragetasche für 1 Flasche 100x85x360 mm Streifenstruktur Blau
Paper carrier bag for 1 bottle 100x85x360 mm striped structure blue
by KK Verpackungen
From €1.58 * €2.72 *
Papiertragetasche für 1 Flasche 100x85x360 mm Streifenstruktur Schwarz
Paper carrier bag for 1 bottle 100x85x360 mm striped structure black
by KK Verpackungen
From €1.58 * €2.72 *
Papiertragetasche für 1 Flasche 100x85x360 mm Holzoptik Fenster Braun
Paper carrier bag for 1 bottle 100x85x360 mm wooden look window brown
by KK Verpackungen
From €1.20 * €1.52 *
Papiertragetasche für 1 Flasche 100x85x360 mm strukturgeprägt Fenster Schwarz
Paper carrier bag for 1 bottle 100x85x360 mm textured embossed window black
by KK Verpackungen
From €1.20 * €1.52 *